Polk County Decategorization


 Decat Committees

Polk County Decategorization’s structure is comprised of a variety of committees that provide guidance, input, and help facilitate Decat's mission.   A detailed map of that structure can be found by clicking here.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is comprised of key policy makers from Juvenile Court, HHS, and Polk County along with the chair of the Steering Committee. They review and approve policy recommendations, annual plans, budgets and projects. This committee meets quarterly, or as needed, and is responsible for reviewing any funding decision appeals.

The special Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 13, 2025 from 10:00 to 11:30 AM. in the Polk County Family Enrichment Center (FEC) Conference room at Polk County River Place, 2309 Euclid Avenue.

The agenda for February 13, 2025 can be found here.

The minutes from the last Executive Committee Meeting on January 9, 2025  are available here.



Steering Committee

The Steering Committee consists of 20 members representing Des Moines Public Schools, the legal system, human services providers, Law Enforcement, Mental Health, Domestic Violence Response, Early Childhood, Juvenile Court, DHS, Polk County, and the community at large. This group serves as our Shared Decision Making team, and provides direction and on going monitoring and oversight of Decat. Funding proposals are reviewed and decisions made regarding services and programs. The committee promotes a cooperative and collaborative planning process by involving representatives from key organizations. This committee meets Quarterly at Polk County River Place. A copy of the minutes from the last meeting can be found here.  The next meeting's agenda can be found here.

Connection and Resource Exchange (CARE) Meetings

The CARE's meetings are open to any provider in Polk County who serves youth and families in Polk County area. This meeting provides a forum for providers to present new proposal ideas and receive feedback. It also assists in the identification of gaps in services and helps in coordinating planning efforts. This meeting occurs on the third Wednesday of every month at Polk County River.