Polk County Decategorization

Examining Implicit Bias - a Zoom Presentation

06/24/2020, 06:00 PM - 06/24/2020, 07:30 PM

Examining Implicit Bias - a Zoom Presentation

"Got Implicit Bias?" Odds are that you, and the people in your lives, are learning that we live in a society that was built to benefit some and oppress others. That can bring up feelings of guilt and confusion for many people. How can it not?

But we at Central Iowa Center for Independent Living are here to tell you that there's nothing wrong with you and, during this presentation, we'll introduce you to the Simple Steps to Creating an Inclusive Community!

This event is being held via Zoom. It is by donation, with all proceeds collected being sent to Des Moines Black Lives Matter. We will email Zoom information out to registered attendees prior to the event. Donations can be sent to PayPal Account info@sacredhealthdsm.com. Please include a note that it is for BLM:DSM!

PRESENTER: Reyma McCoy McDeid, Executive Director of Central Iowa Center for Independent Living

Reyma McCoy McDeid is the Executive Director of Central Iowa Center for Independent Living (winner of the 2018 Organization of the Year award from the Des Moines Civil and Human Rights Commission) and serves as Treasurer for the National Council on Independent Living and Chair for the Autistic Self Advocacy Network.

She is the recipient of a 2019 AT&T Humanity of Connection award. Her work has been featured in Vice, Pantsuit Nation, TIME, The Des Moines Register, The Cedar Rapids Gazette, and Progressive Voices of Iowa. Her vocation has shifted from serving marginalized people to addressing how systems create marginalized people.

Please join us in welcoming her, and come prepared to explore your own Implicit Bias! Presentation to be followed by a Q&A session!


To Register, Visit: https://facebook.com/events/s/examining-implicit-bias-a-zoom/578423223087414/?ti=cl