Polk County Decategorization

DMPS - Virtual Anti-Racist Town Hall

06/15/2020, 04:00 PM - 06/15/2020, 05:00 PM

DMPS Community Partners:


We invite you to attend an Anti-Racist Town Hall for the community of Des Moines Public Schools. As an organization, we need to focus on listening to our community and students.  We have a lot of listening to do to create and support an actively anti-racist school district and need to hear from as many voices as possible.  It is also critically important that we act in accordance with the voices raised during our community meetings to prove that we truly hear you. We acknowledge that we can and must be better. Please help hold us accountable by continuing to give us feedback and input. Details are attached—please note that pre-registration is required.



Thank you,

Dr. Thomas Ahart, Superintendent

Matt Smith, Associate Superintendent


Register here:
