Polk County Decategorization

Faith as a Protective Factor: Spiritual Grounding for Resilience and Well-being with Katthe Wolf and Alexandra James

06/29/2020, 12:00 PM - 06/29/2020, 01:00 PM

Families are strong because they have built protective factors. Whether it is through religious faith and affiliation with a church, synagogue or mosque and organized religion or a different type of deep connection to Source / the Universe and the divinity in other living beings, lived faith can be the glue that grounds and connects people. In this interactive conversational webinar, our moderators will explore with attendees the ways that spirituality and religion promote resilience and well-being, assisting parents with staying strong and positive for ourselves and our children. 

To register, visit: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_R91ZBogURheGb-8jZUirtA